Lot 111
Collection of Books on the History of Rebbes – Poland
1. Abir HaRo’im, history of… Rabbi Avraham Bornstein [Sochaczew Rebbe]… who received from his Rabbi… Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk, by Rabbi Zvi Yehuda of Amlok. Piotrkow, 1935.
2. Answer to Nachum Sokolov… and history of Harav HaChassid Hirsh Tomshover descendant of the Kotzker Rebbe, by Rabbi Pinchas Zelig Glicksman. Lodz, 1932. Rare.
3. Rabbi Ze’ev Lifshitz – the history of his life and the life of his fathers, rabbis and brother in law the Rebbe… man of G-d Rabbi Avraham of Ciechanów, by Rabbi Pinchas Zelig Glicksman. Lodz, 1934.
4. Me’ir Einei HaGolah, history of the greatness of Rabbi Yitzchak Meir of Gur [author of Chidushei HaRim]… also many Torah novellae and holy sermons heard from him, by Rabbi Avraham Yissachar Binyamin Eliyahu Alter and Avraham Mordechai Alter. Warsaw, [1932]. Part 2 only.
5. Or Yesharim, Four Rebbes: Rabbi Mordechai of Lechowitz, his son Rabbi Noach of Lechowitz, Rabbi Moshe [Palier] of Kobrin and his student, Rabbi Avraham [Weinberg] of Slonim, by Moshe Chaim Kleinman. Warsaw, [1924].
6. Toldot Gedolei Hora’ah (about 10 of the “great teachers that ‘lit the eyes’ of Yisrael in halacha and Jewish law”) by Rabbi Shevach Knebbel. Vienna, 1927.
7. Si’ach Sarfei Kodesh, pure and holy words spoken by Chassidim, Torah novellae, stories and letters, by the rabbis, Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk, Rabbi Yitzchak Meir [Alter] of Gur and Rabbi Chanoch Henich HaCohen of Alexander. Collected by Rabbi Yo’etz Kim Kaddish Rakotz. Lodz, 1928. Parts 1-3. Words of Torah written in Oriental handwriting at end of the book.
Total of 7 books. Varied size and condition.
From Dr. Mehlman’s private collection.