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Lot 76

Ateret Tif'eret Israel – A Talisman Book

Ateret Tif'eret Israel, on the Torah [the unseen], by Rabbi Israel Charif of Satinov. Warsaw, 1871. Second edition. Many approbations by Rabbis (Sadigura, Stefanesti, Patik, Tchortkov, Chernobyl, Trisk, Tolna, Skver, Kosov, Komarna and more).
The book contains many holy names, gematrias and letter combinations, visions and talismans. Approbations by leading Chassidic Rebbes of the printing period, who write about the holiness of the book and having a copy at home in itself serves as a talisman for protection against any evil and for success in every matter. Rabbi Avraham Ya'akov of Sadigura wrote: "this holy book is full with holy names and angels' names who are capable of curing and protecting and endowing much success and blessings".
Rabbi Israel Son of Rabbi Shlomo Charif of Satinov (1696-1781, Encyclopedia of Chassidut, 2, 287-288). One of the favorite disciples of the Ba'al Shem Tov, known for his sharpness which was the reason for his nickname "Israel Charif". In this book he explicitly refers to "My holy rabbi Israel Ba'al Shem".
[1], 3, 82, [2] leaves with name of volunteers to buy the book – other copies exist with an additional leaf]. 25 cm. Good condition, Moisture marks. New binding.