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Lot 70

Magen Avraham – Trisk

The book Magen Avraham, containing homiletics on the Torah, based on Chasidut. Second part. By the Maggid of Trisk, Rebbe Avraham ben Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl. Lublin, 1887. First edition, printed in the lifetime of the author (1806-1889).
The segula of owning this book is well-known, as the author wrote in his introduction to Part One – that from the strength of the blessing of Avraham Avinu, he "blesses whoever holds the book, that he will experience Hashem's abundant kindness… and have children and grandchildren".
Ownership inscription – Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh [Tzimring from Past--] son-in-law of the Mahardach, who was Rabbi in Waslawitz and Grosswichen.
114 Leaves. 22.5 cm. Good condition. Original pretty worn binding.