Lot 27
“Chacham Ha-Razim Ba La-Ir” – Rabbi Chaim Shaul Ha-Cohen Dweck on the Admor of Mukachevo
“Chakham Ha-Razim Ba La-Ir”- proclamation, by the one of the eldest Mekubalim Ha-Rav Ha-Sadeh Rabbi Chaim Shaul Ha-Cohen Dweck, published for the welcome reception of the Admor Rabbi Chaim Elazar Shapira, Av Beit Din of Mukachevo as he visited Jerusalem. Jerusalem, 1930.
“On Thursday, 10th of Iyar… The holy, righteous, heavenly Mekubal, Rabbi Elazar Shapira, Av Beit Din of Mukachevo… will be arriving to Jerusalem… it is our sacred duty… to give great honor to the Torah and come to the train station to welcome… the holy Rabbi”.
The famous journey of the “Minchat Elazar” in 1930, who traveled to honor the great elder Rabbi Shlomo Alfandari known as the “Saba Kadisha” is the object of an entire book called “Masa’ot Yerushalayim” (Mukachevo, 1931). And in the chapter about his first day, he describes the welcome reception at the Jerusalem train station, in presence of the eldest of the Mekubalim Rabbi Chaim Shaul Dweck leading all the Mekubalim and the sages of Aleppo in Jerusalem. See enclosed material.
45X30.5 cm. Fair condition, restored tears.
Rare, not recorded in the Bibliography CDs.