Two books by Rabbi Dov Ber the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch:
* Sefer Biurei HaZohar, Chassidic commentary on the Zohar. Lviv: S.L. Flecker, 1861. First edition of "Hosafot LeSefer Biurei HaZohar" (printed with a separate leaf-numbering sequence and a separate title page). The imprint "Kopust 1816" is featured on both title pages.
On title page, signature and stamp of Rabbi Simcha Bunim Greenberger, head of the Pressburg Beit Din, later rabbi of the Congregation Chasam Sofer, New York (died 1977). Other signatures.
[2], 64, 31-34, 69-84; 40, 31-34 ff. leaves 5-8 of the second sequence bound twice. Hosafot: [12], 13-20, [1] ff. 25 cm. Good condition. Stains (ink stains to final page). Minor marginal tears to title page. Fine new leather binding.
* Sefer Imrei Binah, on Achdus HaShem. A variant of the title page – lacking imprint. [Lviv: Ab. Nis. Suess und B. L. Necheles, 1862]. The word "Kopust" is featured on title page.
Ownership signature of David son of Moshe Naftali Hailperin, on title page.
[2], 82; 25 ff. Approx. 24 cm. Good condition. Stains, including dampstains. Minor wear. Minor marginal tears in some places. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.