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Lot 14

Hand Mirror of Rebbe Rayatz – "Before he allowed himself to be photographed... he always checked his appearance with this mirror"

Celluloid hand mirror, used by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, the Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch.

Letter of authenticity enclosed (handwritten note, in English), signed in Hebrew by Rebbetzin Chana Gurary (1899-1991), eldest daughter of Rebbe Rayatz: "I hereby gift… the celluloid mirror used by my father from the time he was at the Greystone hotel until the end of his life. Before he allowed himself to be photographed by my son he always checked his appearance with this mirror". Dated - February 25, 1990. A wooden box which may have also been used by the Rebbe or his family is enclosed (the box was given together with the mirror, though it is not mentioned in the letter).

In one of his letters, R. Shalom Dovber (Barry) Gurary, only grandson of the Rebbe Rayatz (son of his daughter, Rebbetzin Chana), writes about a camera he received from his grandfather, the Rayatz: "When we arrived to America in 1941 [i.e., 1940], my grandfather... bought for me a... camera. With it I took many important photos of my grandfather writing letters and correspondence. My grandfather even put on his Shabbos clothing so I could photograph him. At one point the camera jammed and I said a Russian word which was slang and my grandfather laughed and just then the photo snapped". According to the enclosed letter of authenticity, Rebbe Rayatz used the present hand mirror to inspect his appearance before having his picture taken. The mirror was in his possession from his stay in the Greystone Hotel, to his passing on Shevat, 1950.

From the Greystone Hotel in Manhattan to "770" in Brooklyn

In 1939, with the outbreak of WWII, Rebbe Rayatz, his mother Rebbetzin Shterna Sarah, his wife Rebbetzin Nechama Dina and his daughter Rebbetzin Chana and her husband, R. Shemaryahu Gurary were stranded in Warsaw under German occupation, their lives in great danger. After several months of travail and wandering, the rebbe and his entourage reached the United States on Tuesday 9th Adar II, 1940. Following a short reception at the port, the Rayatz arrived at his temporary quarters – Room 609 at the Greystone Hotel on Broadway and 91st Street in Manhattan New York.

About half a year later, the Rayatz and his entourage moved to 770 Eastern Parkway, in the center of the Crown Heights neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. From his home at 770, the Rayatz reestablished the Chabad Chassidic court and its institutes. There he met community leaders and activists, held private audiences ("Yechidus") with Chassidim, wrote letters to all parts of the world, and worked unceasingly to strengthen and support Judaism and the Chassidut. The Rayatz continued his activities for ten years until his passing on 10th Shevat, 1950.

Maximum size: 29 cm approx. Good condition. Minor blemishes.