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Footstool of Rebbe Rayatz – Gift from Mrs. Sylvia Kramer (Wife of Attorney Sam Kramer) Upon His Arrival in the United States in 1940 – Used by the Rayatz from 1940-1950

Footstool of Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the Rayatz of Lubavitch.
Small, low wooden stool. Fine needlepoint upholstery; four legs.
Letter of authenticity enclosed (handwritten note, in English), signed in Hebrew by R. Shalom Dov Ber (Barry) Gurary (1923-2005), only grandson of Rebbe Rayatz (son of his daughter Rebbetzin Chana Gurary and her husband R. Shemaryahu Gurary – the Rashag); "I hereby gift… the footstool which my grandfather used at the desk in his bedroom from 1940-1950. This needlepoint made footstool was a gift that he received from Mrs. Sylvia Kramer – wife of Sam Kramer upon his arrival to the United States in March of 1940". Dated – 29th January 1989.

The Rayatz's Arrival in the United States
In 1939, with the outbreak of WWII, Rebbe Rayatz, his mother Rebbetzin Shterna Sarah, his wife Rebbetzin Nechama Dina and his daughter Rebbetzin Chana and her husband, R. Shemaryahu Gurary were stranded in Warsaw under German occupation, their lives in great danger. During these perilous times, the Rayatz was forced to flee from house to house, seeking shelter from the bombings, and rumors spread that he was caught and executed by the Germans. After the intervention of the US government, and with the assistance of several German officers, the Rayatz succeeded in fleeing Warsaw, together with an entourage of about 20 family members and friends. After several months of travail and wandering, on Tuesday 9th Adar II 1940, the Rayatz and his entourage reached the shores of America. Following a short reception at the port, the Rayatz arrived at his temporary quarters – the Greystone Hotel on Broadway and 91st Street in Manhattan NY.
Some six months later, the Rayatz and his family settled in their permanent quarters, 770 Eastern Parkway, in the center of the Crown Heights neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY. The official dedication ceremony (Chanukat Habayit), which took place on 21st Elul 1940, was attended by the Rayatz and a large group of his Chassidim.
The building at 770 Eastern Parkway had three floors and a basement. The first floor housed the synagogue, the Beit Midrash and the offices. The Rayatz lived on the second floor which also housed his study and the quarters of his mother, Rebbetzin Shterna Sarah. His daughter Rebbetzin Chana and her husband, R. Shemaryahu Gurary lived on the third floor, which also housed the latter's study and the offices of the Central Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva which he managed. The basement was primarily used to house the library. An elevator was installed in the building (rare in those days) and a large yard surrounded the building.
The right-hand room in the front of the second floor of 770 was designated as the Rayatz's study, used for private audiences and meetings. From this room, the Rayatz directed the Chabad Chassidut since his arrival in the United Sates. Adjoining it was the Rayatz's bedroom. According to the enclosed letter, immediately after his arrival in the United States in Adar 1940, the rebbe received the present footstool as a gift from Mrs. Sylvia Kramer, who embroidered it herself. The Rayatz used the footstool by the desk in his bedroom for ten years, until his passing on Yud Shevat 1950.

Mrs. Tzivia (Sylvia) Kramer (ca. 1903 – 26th Tevet 1995), née Levine, wife of attorney Sam Kramer (1895-1986), who played an important role in establishing the Chabad Chassidut in the United States and funding its activities. Mr. Kramer was a member of the executive committee, board member and legal adviser of Agudas Chassidei Chabad in America. He helped fund the publication of the Chabad Bulletin (first Chabad organ, published in 1935-1939), lobbied for the release of the Rayatz from Soviet incarceration in 1927, and helped rescue him from occupied Warsaw and bring him to the United States.

Approx. 23X17 cm. Good condition.