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Lot 7

Archive of Rabbi Moshe HaMeiri Ostrovsky – HaMizrachi”

Rabbi Moshe HaMeiri Ostrovsky, born in Karlin, made aliya to Eretz Israel in 1897 and learned in the Torat Chaim Yeshiva in the Old City of Jerusalem. Served in the Rabbinate of Moshav Ekron (Mazkeret Batya). One of the planners of the religious education in Eretz Israel, and one of the founders of the Mizrachi Movement. Served as a Mizrachi representative in the 12th, 15th and 20th Zionist Congresses, and was a member of the National Council. He was also among the founders of the Chief Rabbinate, and was a founder and later the Rabbi of the Kiryat Moshe Neighborhood in Jerusalem. Died in Jerusalem in 1957.
The archive contains 20 official files, tens of printed booklets, and thousands of documents: correspondence relating to the Mizrachi Movement, The Zionist Management and Management of the Jewish Agency, Memos to the UN, and more. Mostly from the 30s and 40s. Most of the documents are printed, some are handwritten.
Varying sizes and conditions.