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Lot 153

Netiv Mitzvotecha VeOtzar HaChaim Part I (Komarno) – First Edition – Lviv, 1858 – "Those Who Support Us… G-d Will Protect Them from All Illness and Affliction, and Their Prestige and Fortune

Will Be Raised with Blessing, Wealth, Honor and Happiness, Good Fortune, Sons, Life and Livelihood"

Netiv Mitzvotecha, introductions and explanations on faith, worship of G-d and yichudim, with Otzar HaChaim Part I, Bereshit – on the 613 commandments according to the Pardes approaches, by Rebbe Yitzchak Eizik Yehuda Yechiel Safrin of Komarno. Lviv: Michael F. Poremba, 1858. First edition.
Divisional title page for Otzar HaChaim part.
Lengthy and interesting preface by the author, at the end of which he promises anyone who assists in publishing the book or helps his Chassidim: " …those who support us… G-d will protect them from all illness and affliction, and their prestige and fortune will be raised with blessing, wealth, honor and happiness, good fortune, sons, life and livelihood".
In his book Zohar Chai, the author guarantees that anyone who studies the present work will rest in the World to Come without needing to return as a Gilgul.
The author, Rebbe Yitzchak Eizik Yehuda Yechiel Safrin Rabbi of Zidichov and Komarno (1806-1874), was a G-dly kabbalist and leading transmitter of the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov. His books, in particular the Heichal HaBerachah commentary, are considered classic Chassidic works cherished by prominent Chassidic leaders.
40, [1]; 26, [1] leaves. 25 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including dark dampstains. Minor wear to some leaves. Tears, including minor open tears to several leaves, slightly affecting text, repaired in part with paper. Trimmed ownership inscriptions on title page and following leaf. New binding.

PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.