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Lot 111

Likutei Maharin and Toldot Yitzchak Ben Levi – Berditchev, 1811 – First Edition

Likutei Maharin and Toldot Yitzchak Ben Levi, kabbalistic commentary on the Torah portions and the Five Megillot, by R. Yisrael Rabbi of Pikov (Pykiv), son of R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Berditchev (Berdychiv): Shmuel son of Yissachar Ber Segal, 1811. First edition.
The author, R. Yisrael Rabbi of Pikov (1763-1819), was the eldest son and close disciple of R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. He served as rabbi of Pikov, later succeeding his father as rabbi of Berditchev.
[2], 2-83 leaves. Printed (mostly) on bluish paper. 20 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Many stains to title page and other leaves. Traces of past dampness with mold on several leaves. Tears, including tears affecting text on final leaf, an open tear affecting text on leaf 12 (and tiny tear on leaf 9). Marginal open tears to title page and first and final leaves, mostly repaired with paper. Worming. Inscriptions. Stamp. New leather binding.

PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.