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Lot 82

Siach HaSadeh – Shklow, 1787 – Only Edition – With Approbation by R. Avigdor Rabbi of Pinsk, Opponent of Chassidut Who Caused the Imprisonment of Baal HaTanya

Siach HaSadeh, homiletics on the Torah, by R. Eliezer HaLevi, the Maggid of Pinsk. Shklow: Sarah daughter of R. Moshe Segal, [1787]. Only edition.
The author, R. Eliezer son of R. Meir HaLevi, the Maggid of Pinsk (d. after 1795), rabbi of Chomsk and later in Pinsk, where he also served as posek and maggid. Grandfather of the Yesod HaAvodah, first rebbe of Slonim.
The book includes an approbation by R. Avigdor Rabbi of Pinsk, one of the biggest adversaries of Chassidut in Lithuania and Belarus. R. Avigdor served as rabbi of Pinsk between 1785-1793, succeeding R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, who was dismissed in 1785 by the mitnagdim. In 1800, R. Avigdor was among the informers to the Russian government against Chassidut and against the Baal HaTanya, causing his second imprisonment at the end of that year.
The author of this book is the only rabbi of his generation who requested an approbation from R. Avigdor. His second book, Re'ach HaSadeh (Shklow, 1795), also included an approbation by R. Avigdor.
Signature and stamp on the title page. Inscription on back endpaper.
132; 29 leaves. 31.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Worming, affecting text. Tears, including open tears, primarily to first and final leaves, affecting text and title page border, repaired in part with paper. Leaves trimmed with slight damage to text. Stamp. Old binding, with defects and worming (many inscriptions on binding).

PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.