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Lot 58

Pri Chadash – First Editions – Amsterdam, 1692-1706 – Signatures

Two books of Pri Chadash on Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah part and Orach Chaim-Even HaEzer part – first editions:
• Pri Chadash, on Yoreh De'ah, by R. Chizkiyah da Silva. Amsterdam: David Tartas, [1692]. Engraved title page. First edition.
First book of R. Chizkiyah da Silva, and the only one printed in his lifetime.
The book aroused a great controversy, since the author didn't hesitate to use sharp language when disagreeing with the Beit Yosef and other leading Acharonim. The book was well received in Europe, though banned by the rabbis of Egypt.
Signatures at the top of the title page. Various stamps throughout the book, including stamps of R. Benzion Heilperin Rabbi of Nanash (Hajdúnánás), with a scholarly gloss in his handwriting on p. 121a. Signature on leaf [2].
[2], 116, [2], 117-130 leaves. Fair condition. Stains. Tears, including open tears, and worming, affecting text, repaired in part with paper. New leather binding.
• Pri Chadash on Orach Chaim and Even HaEzer (laws of Rosh Chodesh, Pesach, Yom Tov, Megillah and Gittin, and commentaries on Sefer HaMada by the Rambam), by R. Chizkiyah da Silva. Amsterdam: Netanel Foa, [1706]. First edition, published by the author's son. With dedication leaf (in Portuguese) to the philanthropist Yaakov Ferrara.
Ownership inscription on the title page of R. Mercado Saadia HaLevi, a Torah scholar of Izmir, author of Neveh Tzedek on the Rambam. Some glosses (trimmed) in Oriental script.
[4], 74 leaves; 19, [1] leaves; 9 leaves. (Including leaf with Portuguese dedication, not found in all copies). 29 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains and dark stains. Tears and worming, affecting text in some places. Leaves trimmed with damage to edge of text in several places. Stamps and inscriptions. New binding.

PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.