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Lot 43

Collection of Galley Proofs from Talmud Editions Printed in Salonika – 1580-1705 – Galley Proofs of the Book Tanchumot El, and More – Documentation of the Work Process in Salonika Printing Houses

Collection of galley proofs from the publication of Talmud editions in Salonika, ca. 1580 and 1705.
The leaves, which were reused in bindings, were found in a "bindings genizah". The collection includes some 15 leaves from Tractate Gittin printed in Salonika, ca. 1580; some 9 leaves of Tractate Bava Metzia, a leaf from Tractate Ketubot and a leaf from Tractate Beitzah, all printed in Salonika ca. 1705.
The leaves document the work of the printers in the Salonika printing houses. Printers' handwritten inscriptions, glosses and emendations in the margins.
On verso of some of the leaves, galley proofs of the book Tanchumot El by R. Yitzchak Arroyo (Salonika, 1578-1579), and of other books (unidentified). One leaf is signed by Avraham Amarillo (perhaps R. Avraham Amarillo, rabbi in Trikala, Greece, author of Brit Avraham, d. 1754).
Approx. 26 leaves. Approx. 31 cm. Condition varies, good-fair. Various defects and stains, affecting text. Large open tears to several leaves, affecting text.

PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.