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Collection of booklets and documents – Poalei Zion and Socialists in Austria

1. Pages for the guide No. 1, the Socialist Zionist Youth Organization, Dror HaBonim, the head Secretariat in Austria. Linz, July 1946. Yiddish.
22 leaves, 30 cm. Good condition. Torn along the margins, tearing on the last page. Stains.
2. Pages for the guide No. 2 (cover similar to No. 1).
[19] detached leaves, 30 cm. Fair condition. Numerous stains and tearing on the margins.
3. Report to the second committee of the “Hit'achadut” party in Austria, Ichud Olami Poalei Tzion (Z.S.). Austria, August 1947.
25 leaves, 30.5 cm. Good condition. Many stains. Filing holes.
4. BeDerech Ha’apala, Gordonia, Maccabi HaTzair. Austria, 1948.
41 pages, 29.5 cm. Good condition, foxing. A hole and tears along the spine.
5. Yediot Ichud-Olami No. 6, Poalei Zion (Z.S.) Hit'achadut, the Ma’apilim Branch in Vienna.
October 1947.
8 pages. 31 cm. Poor condition. Pages are detached. Many stains. Many tears on the margins.
6. Dvar HaTnu'a in Austria, published by the Poalei Zion Center (Z.S.), Hit'achadut. Linz-Bindermichl, 1948. There is also a cover in Romanian. Page 15 is missing.
16 pages, 30 cm. Fair condition. Stains, rough omission on the inner margins.
7. Three single pages, booklet and envelope of Poalei Tzion in Vienna, Yiddish and German.
Various sizes, very good condition.
8. BeDarkenu No. 2, Socialist-Zionist Youth Movement Dror HaBonim. Austria, 1947.
Romanian. 16 pages, 29.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Detached pages.
9. Palestine News, Ichud Olami of Poalei-Zion (Z.S.). Hit'achadut in Vienna, communications department. Romanian. Illustrated title page and cover.
8 pages, 29.5cm. Good condition. Stains, detached pages.
10. Telegraph service of Palestine, the new program for Jerusalem. Poalei Zion Hit'achadut. Vienna, 1947. German
13 pages, 29.5 cm. Good condition. Illustrated title page and cover.
11. BaMa’avak – Workers newspaper. Published by Z.C., Poalei Zion in Austria. Linz, 1947-1948. Romanian. Four issues typewritten and stencilled, bound together. Illustrated title page. Cover of the fourth issue is different.
30 cm, very good condition.
12. Arbeiter Biuletin [Workers Newspaper], published by Z.C. Poalei Zion in Austria. Linz, 1946-1948. Yiddish. 12 issues bound together, some of which have the same title page as No. 11.
30 cm. Very good condition.