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Lot 88

Set of Five Books of the Torah with Commentary by Rabbi Eliyahu Mizrachi and the Gur Aryeh Commentary by the Maharal of Prague – Copies of Rabbi Efraim Zalman Margolies, with His Signatures in Two Volumes – Lviv, 1812-1815

Five Books of the Torah, with Targum Onkelos, Rashi, Baal HaTurim, Toldot Aharon, Masorah, R. Eliyahu Mizrachi's supercommentary on Rashi, and the Gur Aryeh commentary by the Maharal of Prague. Lviv: Shlomo Yarish Rappaport (Bamidbar vol. printed by Aaron son of Chaim David Madpis Segal), 1812-1816. Complete set in five volumes.
The Bamidbar volume was issued by a different printer, and its title page differs typographically from the other title pages.
Copies of R. Efraim Zalman Margolies, with his signatures on the title pages of Bereshit and Bamidbar: "Efraim Zalman Margolies of Brody, Tammuz 1825".
R. Efraim Zalman Margolies (1760-1828), author of Beit Efraim and Mateh Efraim. A prominent Torah scholar, he was renowned throughout the Jewish world as a leading halachic authority, and exchanged halachic correspondence with the Torah leaders of his time. A contemporary of the Netivot HaMishpat and Ketzot HaChoshen. He reputedly traced his lineage to Rashi, and was a descendant of Torah leaders such as the Maharsha and the Rema. His father and grandfather studied in the famous Brody Kloiz. In his youth, he served as rabbi of Uhniv, yet he returned a short while later to Brody, resolving not to take on a rabbinic position, just like his teacher the Tevuot Shor. He enjoyed Torah prominence together with extraordinary wealth. He was renowned as a leading Torah scholar of his times, and halachic questions were sent to him from around the world. He corresponded with the Noda BiYehuda, the Shaagat Aryeh, R. Akiva Eger, the Chatam Sofer and others. Although he wasn't considered a Chassid, he associated with Chassidut and with the leading disciples of the Maggid of Mezeritch, and accorded his approbations to many Chassidic works. His responsa and halachic works are classic books in halachic literature, and became widespread already in his lifetime, as the Chatam Sofer stated in his eulogy: "His teachings are heard in our Batei Midrash every day, from the books he authored" (Ishim BiTeshuvot HaChatam Sofer, pp. 79-81).
Five volumes. Bereshit: [1], 1, 3-126, [2] leaves. Lacking [2] leaves before final leaf, with haftarot. Shemot: [1], 128 leaves. Vayikra: [1], 106 leaves. Lacking 5 leaves at end (107-111), with haftarot and Shir HaShirim. Bamidbar: [1], 100 leaves. Devarim: 78, 7, [1] leaves. Approx. 37 cm. Overall good condition. Stains, including dampstains. Minor wear to some leaves. Minor worming in several places. Tears, including open tears affecting text in several places. Marginal open tears to title pages of Shemot and Bamidbar, repaired in part with paper. Stamps. New (uniform) leather bindings.