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Lot 66

Etz Shatul – Venice, 1618 – Approbations by the Shelah, the Maharsha, the Maharam of Lublin, the Keli Yakar and Others / Responsa of the Maharam of Lublin – Venice, 1618

Two books in one volume:
Etz Shatul, Sefer HaIkkarim by R. Yosef Albo, with commentaries by R. Gedaliah son of Moshe [Lipschitz]. Venice: Giovanni Cajon, [1618]. First edition. Bound with: Responsa of Maharam of Lublin. [Venice: Giovanni Cajon, 1618]. First edition.
The author of Etz Shatul was a Polish Torah scholar. The book begins with approbations by the leading Torah scholars of the generation, including the Shelah, the Maharsha, the Maharam of Lublin, the Keli Yakar, the Tevuot Shor and others.
Signature in Italian script on the title page of Etz Shatul.
Two books in one volume. Etz Shatul: 144 leaves. Lacking final two leaves. Responsa Maharam of Lublin: 2-114 leaves. Lacking title page. 28.5 cm. Most leaves in good condition. Stains. Worming; on final leaf worming slightly affecting text. Minor tear to title page of Etz Shatul, without loss. Inner side of title page border slightly damaged due to binding. Censor's signatures. Old binding.

PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.