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Aryeh Ludwig Strauss – Collection of Books of Poetry and Prose – Signed and Dedicated by the Author

Nine books of poetry and prose by Aryeh Ludwig Strauss. Germany (one book from Switzerland), 1920s to 1960s. Most books bear his personal signature and/or handwritten dedication; some are copies from numbered editions. German.
• "Das Ufer" ["The Riverbank"], poems. Berlin: Otto von Holten, 1922. Copy no. 127 from an edition of 300 copies, signed on the colophon page.
• "Tiberius, " a play. Munich: Münchner Drucke, 1924. Signed dedication.
• "Das Antlitz im Gestirn." [Chemnitz]: Gesellschaft der Bücherfreunde zu Chemnitz, 1925. Copy no. 120 from an edition of 550 copies. Signed on the colophon page.
• "Ruf aus der Zeit" ["A Call Transcending Time"]. Berlin: Lambert Schneider, 1927. Signed dedication.
• "Nachtwache" ["Night Watch"], book of poetry. Hamburg: Der Deutsche Buch-Club, [1933]. From an edition of 1,000 copies. With a signed dedication to the poet Tuvya Ruebner on the title page. Signed again on the colophon page.
• "Heimliche Gegenwart" ["Homely Present Time"], book of poetry. Heidelberg: Lambert Schneider, 1952. With a signed dedication to "Tuvya" [Ruebner].
• And more.
Handwritten corrections and notations (German) appear on some of the books; in addition, notepapers, photographs, newspaper clippings, and additional items of ephemera have been inserted into several books.
Also enclosed: Eight typewritten leaves with handwritten corrections, containing poems by Ludwig Strauss (some different than the versions published in his books); two notebook leaves with handwritten poems (German); a single leaf with a handwritten poem (Hebrew).

Size and condition vary.

Aryeh Ludwig Strauss (1892-1953), author, poet, and literary scholar, born in Germany. In 1925, he married Eva (née Buber, daughter of philosopher Martin Buber), and in 1935, the couple immigrated to Palestine, where Aryeh Strauss experienced life as a "halutz" (pioneer) – doing such work as paving roads and planting forests, among other things. At the same time, he established the Department of Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. As a lecturer in the department, Strauss helped give rise to a new generation of Hebrew poets which included the likes of Nathan Zach, T. Carmi, Yehuda Amichai, Dan Pagis, Haim Gouri, and Tuvya Ruebner. The latter worked tirelessly to publish his works and translate them into Hebrew.

Provenance: The Tuvya Ruebner Collection.