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Lot 151

Kiryat Sefer – Venice, 1551 – First Edition

Kiryat Sefer, on the Rambam, by R. Moshe di Trani (the Mabit). [Venice]: Alvise Bragadin, [1551]. First edition, printed in the author's lifetime.
Calligraphic signature on second leaf: "Yehoshua de Montel" (perhaps R. Yehoshua de Montel, Jerusalem Torah scholar in the first half of the 17th century. From the family of R. Yechiel de Monteles, emissary of Eretz Israel and disciple of R. M. Galante, who published in 1585 in Venice the book Perush Megillat Esther by R. Ovadia Hamon – see enclosed material). Ownership inscription in Sephardic script on title page, partially deleted. Glosses in Oriental script, containing additions to the enumeration of the Mitzvot at the beginning of the book.
Stamps, including stamps of R. Yisrael Weiss of Sighet (a Torah scholar who owned a large library in Sighet).
Damaged copy. 253 leaves. 28.5 cm. Fair-poor condition. Stains. Significant dampstains and traces of past dampness, with large mold stains to many leaves. Wear. Large open tears to title page (with loss of half the leaf) and to second leaf, affecting text, repaired with paper. Open tears to other leaves, affecting text, repaired in part with paper (large tears to final three leaves). Worming, affecting text. Old binding, with leather spine, damaged.
Without [3] final leaves of omissions and table of contents, added after the printing to some copies only.