Assorted collection of letters from various rabbis. Hungary and Eretz Israel, ca. 1930s-1940s, most are from the times of the Holocaust:
• Letter handwritten and signed by R. Asher Anshel Katz Rabbi of Duna-Szerdahely (Dunajská Streda), addressed to Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Eizik Reiner, regarding the rescue of his son-in-law R. Yechiel David Salzer. Av 1943.
• Letter signed by R. Shimon Yisrael Posen Rabbi of Pupa (Pápa), previously rabbi of Sopron. Recommendation for R. Yerachmiel Yaakov Dushinsky Rabbi of Rákospalota. Pápa, 1948.
• Letter handwritten and signed by R. Tzvi Hirsh Katz Rabbi of Derecske, to R. Shmuel Sanvil Kahana head of the Orthodox Bureau in Budapest, request for funding for rescue matters. Derecske, Adar II 1943.
• Postcard with a typewritten letter (unsigned) – announcement from the Kehal Yere'im Beit Din in Budapest that the chametz in yeast factories had not been sold that year, therefore the public should refrain from using this product for 14 days after Passover. Budapest, Chol HaMoed Pesach, Nissan 1940.
• Letter (mimeographed – unsigned), invitation to a rabbinic conference of the Central Committee of the Orthodox Bureau in Hungary. Budapest, Tevet 1942.
• Printed letter completed by hand, from the Chevra Mishnayot of Machzikei Lomdei Torah in Grosswardein (Oradea). Announcement regarding the distribution of the study of the Six Orders of Mishnah. Completed by hand in Kislev 1929.
• Letter from the Relief Committee for Refugee Rabbis (from Russia and other countries), signed by R. Isser Zalman Meltzer and R. Shmuel Kipnis. Jerusalem, Shvat 1946.
7 letters. Size and condition vary.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.