Letter with signatures of prominent rabbis and rebbes in Jerusalem – a call to donate to the Tomche Achim mutual aid society, which provided assistance to the ill and lent medical equipment. Jerusalem, [ca. 1945].
The rabbis announce that Mrs. Chaya Esther Perlmutter volunteered to collect donations in Brooklyn for the Tomche Achim society and urge to donate money and equipment.
Typewritten letter, with signatures and stamps of prominent Jerusalem rabbis and Torah scholars (16 signatures and 18 stamps):
R. "Mordechai Rokeach son of the Belzer Rebbe" (father of the present Belzer Rebbe, known as the "Bilgoray Rav", immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1944 and died 1949); R. Akiva Sofer rabbi of Pressburg; R. Isser Zalman Meltzer "Rabbi of Slutsk, dean of the Etz Chaim Yeshiva"; R. Zalman Sorotzkin rabbi of Lutzk; R. Shmuel Weingart "formerly rabbi of Plauen, Germany"; R. Baruch Abba Rakovsky "Rabbi of Even Yisrael and Ezrat Yisrael neighborhoods and their surroundings"; R. Yitzchak Yaakov Wachtfogel "Rabbi in Me'ah She'arim"; R. Yosef Gershon Horowitz "Posek in Jerusalem… Dean of the Me'ah She'arim Yeshiva"; R. Moshe Chaskin "Rabbi of Pryluky, formerly in Krekenava"; R. Shmuel HaLevi Wosner (at that time, served as posek of the Geula – Even Yisrael neighborhood); R. Yitzchak Arieli "Rabbi of the Knesset Yisrael neighborhood and its surroundings… founder and dean of the Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva, author of Einayim LaMishpat"; Rebbe Yosef Meir Kahane of Spinka "formerly rabbi of Seredně"; R. Eliyahu Re'em "Dayan and posek in Jerusalem"; R. Chaim Yehuda Leib Auerbach "Dean of the Shaar HaShamayim Yeshiva"; R. Aharon Yaakov Klapfish "Rabbi of Śniadowo and now in Jerusalem"; R. Yaakov Moshe Charlap.
Stamps without signatures, of R. Shimshon Aharon Polonsky "Rabbi and posek of the Beit Yisrael neighborhood", and of the "Beit Din Tzedek of the Sephardi community in Jerusalem".
[1] leaf, official stationery. 32.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Open tears. Folding marks.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.