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Lot 265

Manuscript, Tiferet Shlomo on the Torah – From the Kabbalist Rabbi Shlomo Aharon Auerbach of Boyan – Half Remains Unpublished – Unknown Stories About the Baal Shem Tov

Manuscript, Tiferet Shlomo on the Torah – Books of Bereshit and Shemot, and on the festivals, by R. Shlomo Aharon Auerbach, rabbi and maggid in Boyan (Boiany). [Boyan, ca. 1870s-1880s].
Neat writing, with additions, emendations and deletions (this may be the author's original manuscript). Approximately half the present manuscript remains unpublished: the work on Bereshit and the festivals was published (with many textual differences) by the author in 1891 in Czernowitz, while the work on Shemot is yet unpublished.
There is an additional 7-page composition between the works on Bereshit and Shemot, with wonderous stories about the author's great-grandfather, R. Aryeh Leib Auerbach of Stanislav (disciple of the Baal Shem Tov). To the best of our knowledge, these stories have never been published, and they are not known from any other source.
The author writes about the warmth the Baal Shem Tov showered on his grandfather R. David Tzvi, whom the Baal Shem Tov met in the Brody Kloiz as a 7-year-old orphan (R. David Tzvi was born after a blessing from the Baal Shem Tov, who also served as sandek at his circumcision and gave him his name).
R. Shlomo Aharon Auerbach (1825-1893), leading rabbi in North-Bukovina (presently: Ukraine). Grandson of R. David Tzvi Auerbach Rabbi of Kremenets (ca. 1743-1808, father-in-law of Moharnat – R. Natan of Breslov).
Manuscript lacking beginning, starting with leaf 17 – in the middle of Parashat Lech Lecha (besides one remaining leaf of the preface – torn and detached).
[1], 17-97 leaves; 1-64, [14] leaves. 19.5 cm. Condition varies. Open tears at beginning of volume, to most leaves of Part I (published), affecting text. Part II (unpublished) in good condition. Stains and wear not affecting text. Detached leaves. Without binding.

PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.