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Lot 194

Semichat Chachamim – Two Parts – Frankfurt am Main, 1704-1706

Semichat Chachamim, two parts. Part I: Birkat Hashem, Part II: Kedushah UVerachah, by R. Naphtali HaKohen Katz, rabbi of Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt am Main, [1704-1706].
Both parts constitute one book, titled Semichat Chachamim. The first part constitutes a lengthy Kabbalistic introduction, while the second part contains novellae on tractate Berachot.
Printed in the lifetime of the author, the celebrated Ashkenazi kabbalist R. Naftali Katz (1650-1719), rabbi of Ostroh, Posen and Frankfurt am Main.
Two elaborate engraved title pages. The first title page is followed by a plate featuring a star-shaped poem (wider leaf, folded).
Ownership inscriptions on endpapers. Ownership inscription of R. Moshe Schuster Katz of Frankfurt am Main on front endpaper, partially deleted, with his signature on p. 40a (d. 1814, see his epitaph in Horowitz, Avnei Zikaron – HaKetav VeHamichtav, p. 568). Another (deleted) ownership inscription on first title page. In center of title page, inscription of R. Yitzchak Refael Finzi, rabbi of Padua (disciple of R. Yitzchak Lampronti author of Pachad Yitzchak, and member of Napoleon's Grand Sanhedrin), dated 1792. Glosses in Italian script on pp. 40a and 114b.
79; [1], 140 leaves. 33 cm. Thick, high-quality light-colored paper. Good condition. Some stains. Worming to lower margins of many leaves, generally not affecting text, apart from minor damage to title page of part II. Marginal tears to title page of part I, slightly affecting print, repaired with paper. Marginal tears to leaf 2 (star-shaped poem), affecting text, restored. New leather binding.

PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.