Responsa Mayim Chaim, two parts, by R. Chaim HaKohen Rappaport Rabbi of Ostroh. Zhitomir: R. Chanina Lipa and R. Yehoshua Heshel Shapira, grandsons of the rabbi of Slavita, 1857. First edition.
In part I, section 27, there is a letter from Mezhibuzh signed by several prominent members of the community, including: "Yisrael B.Sh. [Baal Shem] of Tłuste [Tovste]" – the Baal Shem Tov.
Signature and ownership inscriptions of R. Moshe Chanoch HaKohen Novoseller of Cherny Ostrov (on leaf 4 of part I and title page of Otzrot Chaim section). Two trimmed glosses.
84; 151 pages. 32.5 cm. Two title pages for each part, and additional title page for the Otzrot Chaim section (5 title pages in total). Leaf 3 erroneously bound after leaf 4. First title page printed in red and black. Good-fair condition. Stains, mostly minor, apart from large dampstains to approx. five final leaves. Marginal creases and minor tears to final leaves. Stamp and handwritten inscriptions. New binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 341.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.