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Lot 53

Sefer Michlol – Venice, 1545 – Printed by Bomberg – Large Format Edition

Sefer Michlol, grammar of the Holy Tongue, by R. David Kimchi – the Radak, annotated by R. Eliyahu Ashkenazi [Bachur]. Venice: Daniel Bomberg, [1545].
Comprised of three parts ("she'arim") – Grammar of Verbs, Grammar of Nouns and Grammar of Particles.
Handwritten headings (Italian script). Inked stamps of the "Talmud Torah Society of the Modena community". Censorship signatures on last leaf.
Large format. A small format edition was printed concurrently.
69 leaves. 29 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Worming, affecting text on some leaves. Old binding.

PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.