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Lot 122

"HaNevi'im Veha'Am" by Nathan Mileikowsky-Netanyahu – Inscribed by Mileikowsky

"HaNevi'im Veha'Am [The Prophets and the People…], Lectures by N. Mileikowsky, First Booklet" (no additional booklets were printed). Lodz: Mishkan Yisrael, 1915. Hebrew. Two lectures delivered by Rabbi Nathan Mileikowsky-Netanyahu in Lodz, Poland, on the subject of the biblical prophets Amos and Hosea. Inscribed on title page (Hebrew; partly cropped) by Mileikowsky, 1924: "To Alexand[er] Ziskind Yehudah Fuchs, dear friend and faithful public worker, as a memento of our pleasurable meeting in Marie[nbad], the auth[or], Nathan Netanyahu Mileikowsk[y], Beit HaKerem, Jerusal[em], 2nd of Elul 5684 [1924], Marienbad [today Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic]." Nathan Mileikowsky (1879-1935; "Netanyahu" was his frequent pen name), rabbi and Zionist activist, among the greatest of Zionist orators of the early 20th century. Conducted a number of campaigns promoting the Zionist cause throughout Europe and America – reaching Siberia, Poland, England, the United States, and additional destinations – and was acclaimed for his oratorical skills and inspiring speeches. In the wake of the assassination of Haim Arlozorov (1933), he was among the most impassioned defenders on behalf of the defendants, Zvi Rosenblatt and Avraham Stavsky. Passed away in Jerusalem, 1935. In his (Hebrew) eulogy, Abraham Isaac Kook, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Mandatory Palestine, described him as "orator, speaker, magic in his mouth and lips." Among Rabbi Mileikowsky's many grandchildren is the ninth prime minister of the State of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. 47 pp., 20 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Minor blemishes. Inked stamps. Bookplate. Hardcover binding, slightly worn; original front cover laid down onto later front board.