Kuntres Ahavat Yisrael, collection of teachings on the commandment of loving ones fellow Jew. Brooklyn NY, Kehot Publication Society – "Special edition", 1977. Printed in honor of the Rebbe's 75th birthday.
Inscription inside front cover: "Received from the rebbe". With signature of recipient.
This booklet was first printed in Elul 1976, following the rebbe's announcement of the Ahavat Yisrael campaign.
In 1977, the rebbe began propagandizing for the appointment of a mashpia in every location, and instructed to reprint a special edition of the Kuntres for mashpiim. He then distributed it on various occasions to mashpiim and shluchim.
On 11th Nissan 1989, the rebbe distributed the remaining copies, in honor of his birthday, and the present copy was presumably received on that occasion.
40, [6] pages. 21.5 cm. Yellow cover. Good condition. Minor damage to cover.