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Lot 121

Three Books on the Kabbalistic Teachings of the Gaon of Vilna – By Rabbi Yitzchak Kahana of Kolno, Disciple of Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik Chaver – Jerusalem, 1875-1885

Three books by kabbalist R. Yitzchak Kahana of Kolno, on the kabbalistic teachings of the Gaon of Vilna, printed in Jerusalem in 1875, 1879, 1885:
1. Sefer Yetzirah, with the commentary of the Gaon of Vilna and the Toldot Yitzchak supercommentary on the commentary of the Gaon of Vilna, by R. Yitzchak Kahana of Kolno, disciple of R. Yitzchak Eizik Chaver. Jerusalem: Michel HaKohen and Yitzchak Gościnny, [1875]. With [1] folded plate. Six leaves at the end with selections of the Gaon of Vilna based on the Hadrat Kodesh manuscript.
Vinograd, Thesaurus of the Books of the Vilna Gaon, no. 684; Sh. HaLevy, no. 240.
2. Toldot Yitzchak, commentary on Sefer Yetzirah by R. Yitzchak Kahana of Kolno. Jerusalem: Yitzchak Gościnny and Avraham Gagin, [1879]. Second edition with a revised and expanded version of the author's supercommentary to the commentary of the Gaon of Vilna on Sefer Yetzirah.
Vinograd, Thesaurus of the Books of the Vilna Gaon, no. 685; Sh. HaLevy, no. 334.
3. Toldot Yitzchak, Part II, kabbalistic teachings on the sanctity of Jerusalem and the Temple service, by R. Yitzchak Kahana of Kolno. Jerusalem: Shmuel HaLevi Zuckerman and his partners Nachman Betito and Chizkiya Shabtai, 1884 (printing completed in 1885). With [1] folded plate (detached, with tears) with an Ilan HaSefirot.
Vinograd, Thesaurus of the Books of the Vilna Gaon, no. 686; Sh. HaLevy, no. 474. Lacking [1] final leaf.
R. Yitzchak Kahana of Kolno (Lithuania) was a close disciple of R. Yitzchak Eizik Chaver, and composed several books on the kabbalistic teachings of the Gaon of Vilna. R. Yitzchak Eizik Chaver sent him unpublished manuscripts of the teachings of the Gaon of Vilna (the manuscript of the commentary of the Gaon of Vilna on Tikunei HaZohar which was in the possession of R. Yitzchak Kahana is presently held in the National Library). In 1853, R. Yitzchak immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in Jerusalem, where he published (in 1874-1885) the three parts of his work Toldot Yitzchak, on the commentary of the Gaon of Vilna to Sefer Yetzirah and on other kabbalistic teachings of the Gaon of Vilna. He passed away on 29th Shevat 1901. In his will, he requested not to be eulogized, yet the Gaon of Dubrovna eulogized him upon the directive of R. Zalman Baharan, who stated in the name of his father R. Nachum of Shadik that R. Yitzchak was one of the 36 hidden Tzaddikim in the generation (see: R. Dovid Kamenetsky, Torat HaGra, pp. 562-564).
3 books. Size and condition vary.
Provenance: The Yeshayahu Vinograd Collection, Jerusalem.