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Lot 102

Contract Signed by Maharitz Tzalach and the Dayanim of His Beit Din – Yemen, 1781

Monetary contract signed by the dayanim of the Sanaa Beit Din in the 18th century – R. Yichye Tzalach (the Maharitz), head of the Beit Din; and the dayanim R. Shlomo son of Yeshua and R. Shalom son of Saadia HaKohen. Bir al-Azab (Sanaa, Yemen), Shevat 1781.
Monetary contract in Judeo-Arabic, pertaining to Yichye son of Suleiman Elgamal (Gamliel) and Yichye son of Sa'id Elgamal. With the signatures of the dayanim at the foot of the contract, and the calligraphic signature of the Maharitz, head of the Sanaa Beit Din.
R. Yichye son of R. Yosef Tzalach – the Maharitz (1715-1805), foremost Yemenite rabbi in the 18th century, and a leading halachic authority. He was the disciple of his grandfather Mori Tzalach, and of R. Aharon HaKohen Iraki, R. Yichye Iraki and R. David Mishreqi, author of "Shetilei Zeitim". At the age of 43, he was appointed chief rabbi and head of the Beit Din of all Yemenite communities, a position he held for more than 45 years. His authority was unequivocally accepted throughout Yemen, and to this day many Yemenite Jews adhere to his customs and rulings. He compiled the Tiklal siddur with the Etz Chaim commentary, and many halachic works: Zevach Toda and Shaarei Kedusha on the laws of shechita, Shaarei Tahara on the laws of niddah, Responsa Peulat Tzaddik, and other books of halachah, ethics and kabbalah.
Mori Shlomo son of Yeshua Elgamal (Gamliel; ca. 1720-1795; see: Gavra, Encyclopedia L'Chachmei Teiman, I, p. 71), a dayan in Sanaa. He succeeded the dayan Mori Pinchas son of Shlomo. He served as dayan alongside the Maharitz until his passing.
Mori Shalom son of Saadia HaKohen (1710-1785; see: Gavra, Encyclopedia L'Chachmei Teiman, I, p. 267). A yeshiva dean in Sanaa, he served as third dayan alongside the Maharitz and R. Shlomo son of Yeshua Gamliel.
Bir al-Azab is a neighborhood of Sanaa. The neighborhood was built after the Exile of Mawza in 1679, when the Jews were required to live outside of the city's walls (Encyclopedia LiKehillot Teiman, I, p. 35).
[1] leaf. 10.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Several tears (not affecting text). Folding marks and creases.