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Lot 95

Letter of Rabbinic Ordination and Recommendation for a Rabbinic Position from Rabbi Refael Shapiro of Volozhin

Letter handwritten and signed by R. Refael Shapiro, dean of the Volozhin yeshiva. [Volozhin?], Sivan 1915.
Rabbinic ordination and recommendation for R. Meir Lipman son of R. Yitzchak Eliyahu – rabbi in Gruzd (Gruzdžiai). R. Refael praises him as a "p rominent Torah scholar, sharp and well-versed in Talmud and halachic literature… and he is fitting to serve as rabbi of a large city…". R. Refael signed: " So are the words of one who writes and signs in honor of the Torah and those who study it, Refael Shapiro of Volozhin".
R. Refael Shapiro, rabbi and dean of Volozhin (1837-1921), was the son of R. Aryeh Leib Rabbi of Kovno and son-in-law of the Netziv of Volozhin. He was renowned for his genius and diligence. In the years 1865-1881, he served as dean of the Volozhin yeshiva alongside his father-in-law the Netziv. He then went to serve as rabbi of Babruysk and other places. In 1899, when the yeshiva was reopened, he returned to Volozhin and was appointed rabbi and dean. During WWI, he fled to Minsk, where he taught Torah for some five years until his passing (this letter was written within the first year of the war, and it is unclear whether it was written in Volozhin, before R. Refael went into exile, or during the course of his wanderings). His novellae and responsa were published in the three parts of his book Torat Refael. His son-in-law was R. Chaim HaLevi Soloveitchik, rabbi of Brisk, author of Chiddushei Rabbenu Chaim HaLevi.
[1] leaf, official stationery. 27.5 cm. Fair condition. Tears to folds (not affecting text), repaired at first with acidic tape, and later professionally. Dark stains from tape.