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Lot 85

Leaf Handwritten by Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad, the Ben Ish Chai – Allusions on the Name of Eliyahu HaNavi and Special Prayer Composed by the Ben Ish Chai

Leaf (2 pages) handwritten by R. Yosef Chaim of Baghdad, the Ben Ish Chai.
On the first page, the Ben Ish Chai wrote two paragraphs containing allusions to the name of Eliyahu HaNavi.
The second page contains a special prayer which he composed, beseeching G-d to end our suffering and bring the Redemption.
R. Yosef Chaim of Baghdad (1833-1909), author of Ben Ish Chai and dozens of other important books. He was the son of R. Eliyahu Chaim son of R. Moshe Chaim Rabbi of Baghdad, and the disciple of R. Abdallah Somekh. He was renowned from a young age for his brilliance and righteousness. After the passing of his father in 1859, at the age of 26, he succeeded him as preacher in the Great Synagogue of Baghdad, upholding this practice every Shabbat for the next fifty years. His sermons on special occasions such as Shabbat Shuva and Shabbat Hagadol drew crowds of over four thousand people, who sat enthralled throughout the sermon, which often lasted for four to five hours. His sermons incorporated Halachah, commentaries of verses and Aggadot, using the various approaches of exegesis.
The Ben Ish Chai was recognized as the de facto leader of Baghdad and the entire Iraq, and all the local rabbis and judges deferred to him. His complete mastery of Torah and Kabbalah, as well as his great piety and holiness, gained him renown throughout the world. In 1869 he travelled to Eretz Israel in order to pray at the graves of tzaddikim. While praying, he received a heavenly message that the source of his soul was that of Benayahu ben Yehoyada. He therefore titled many of his works after the descriptives of Benayahu: Ben Ish Chai, Ben Ish Chayil, Ben Yehoyada, Rav Pe'alim, Od Yosef Chai and others. Some of his other works: Leshon Chachamim, Aderet Eliyahu, Responsa Torah Lishma (published anonymously), Chasdei Avot, Birkat Avot and others.
[1] leaf (two pages in the handwriting of the Ben Ish Chai). 11.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Ink faded in several words. In fine leather binding.