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Lot 246

Autograph Letter Signed by "Achad Ha'am" – London, 1909

An argumentative letter dealing with the future of Zionism, handwritten and signed by Asher Zvi Ginzberg, "Achad Ha'am". [London], June 20, 1909.
This letter was written after Achad Ha'am had published an article in the journal "HaOmer" and after criticism and various responses to the article were published. Achad Ha'am addresses the spiritual conquest of the Land of Israel as opposed to its physical conquest, the issue of Hebrew education and his conceptual opponent, Simon Dubnow. The letter is addressed to M. Rabinowitz (presumably, the journalist and Zionist activist Michl Yitzchak Rabinowitz).
[1] leaf, folded in half (two written pages), approx. 20 cm. Good condition. Stains and minor blemishes. Fold lines. Small tear to edge, minute hole to intersection of the fold lines. Pen notation to bottom of second page.