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Lot 367

Tenaim Document upon the Engagement of the Granddaughter of Rebbe David Tzvi Shlomo of Lelov - Safed, 1897

Handwritten leaf, Tenaim document upon the engagement of the groom "R. Meir Yisrael Leib" son of R. Avraham Dov Sharf of Safed with the bride Tamar Hinda daughter of R. Yaakov Yosef Biderman "and on his behalf, stands his father R. David Tzvi Shlomo", signed by the witnesses R. "Shmuel Meir Wir[th?]" and R. "Asher Lemel HaKohen from Jerusalem". Safed, 25th Iyar 1897.
The bride was the only daughter of R. Yaakov Yosef Biderman - the eldest son of Rebbe David Tzvi Shlomo of Lelov-Jerusalem (see enclosed material). R. Yaakov Yosef died young in 1900 (in the lifetime of his father), and already in 1897, his father the rebbe undertook all the financial obligations of the marriage: "R. David Tzvi Shlomo undertook to give 15 napoléons as dowry for his son, and five napoléons for the gifts to the groom… and to support the couple at his table for two years after the wedding…". Interestingly, at the time of his engagement, the groom was not yet of bar-mitzva age and the date of the wedding was set for "the time the groom will reach the age to don tefillin…".
Rebbe David Tzvi Shlomo Biderman (1844-1918) was the son of Rebbe Elazar Menachem Mendel of Lelov (1827-1883), leader of the Chassidic communities of Jerusalem. R. David Tzvi was holy and pure from his youth. In 1850, when his grandfather, Rebbe Moishe’le, travelled to Eretz Israel and took leave of Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin, the Ruzhiner said that the boy David has "shining, bright eyes". Over the years, R. David Tzvi Shlomo travelled from Jerusalem to Karlin and became one of the leading Chassidim of the Beit Aharon. His father, Rebbe Elazar Mendel, attested that he always saw the Shiviti before his eyes. The Yismach Yisrael of Aleksander dubbed him "a Sefer Torah". R. Chaim Shmuel of Chęciny said that for many years he was the "tzaddik of the generation". Upon his father’s death in 1883 he was appointed rebbe, and was the primary leader of the Chassidic community of Jerusalem.
[1] leaf. 25.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains and wear. Tears, some repaired with tape on verso.