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Torah Letter from the Chazon Ish

Letter of Torah thoughts (16 lines) discussing the activity of transferring between domains on Shabbat, handwritten by R. Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz - the Chazon Ish. [Bnei Brak, 1950-1953].
Section (unsigned) of a letter from the Chazon Ish to his beloved disciple R. Binyamin Yehoshua Zilber. The letter was written in response to the book of R. Binyamin on the laws of Shabbat - Mekor Halacha, published in 1950, in which he innovated a conflict between Rashi and Tosafot on the topic of transferring between domains on Shabbat. The Chazon Ish did not agree with the idea suggested by R. Binyamin, and he therefore writes that in his opinion there is no disagreement between Rashi and Tosafot on this topic, and the words of the Tosafot are merely explaining those of Rashi. The Chazon Ish writes on the matter: "And although we are pained by our lack of understanding of Rashi’s commentary, one should not consequently innovate that Rashi held…".
R. Binyamin Zilber, recipient of the letter, stood his ground and wrote back to the Chazon Ish, refuting each of the latter’s objections. This exchange of letters between the Chazon Ish and his disciple was printed in later editions of Mekor Halacha (leaf 12). The letter of the Chazon Ish was reprinted in Teshuvot UKetavim MiMaran HaChazon Ish (p. 57).
R. Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz (1879-1953), author of the Chazon Ish, a foremost scholar in Halacha and Jewish philosophy in our generations. A preeminent Torah scholar and hidden righteous man, his first book Chazon Ish was published in 1911 anonymously, and he thereafter became known under that title. In his great modesty, he would sign his name with his acronym only: Ish. He immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1933, where he became recognized as the leading Torah authority, and stood at the helm of the resurrection of the Torah world in our generation.
Recipient of the letter: R. Binyamin Yehoshua Zilber (1916-2008), a leading Torah scholar and halachic authority in our generation, a proponent of the Novardok branch of the musar movement. He studied in the Novardok yeshivot in Europe and in Bnei Brak, where he drew close to the Chazon Ish who affectionately dubbed him "R. Binyamin the Tzaddik". After his marriage, he studied in the Ohel Torah Beit Midrash in Jerusalem, and after several years, returned to Bnei Brak. He authored and published dozens of books on Halacha and ethics, including: Mekor Halacha and Brit Olam on the laws of Shabbat, Responsa Az Nidberu - 14 parts; Mekor Baruch on Chayei Adam; books on the commandments pertaining to the land and more. In his later years, he lived in Beitar Illit and was a member of the Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah of Agudat Yisrael.
[1] leaf. 20.5 cm. (Top of letter cropped; it may have contained personal matters, "censored" by the recipient). Good-fair condition. Ink stains and dampstains. Wear. Minor marginal tears, not affecting text. Folding marks.