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Lot 338

Letter from Rabbi Meir Dan Plotzky, Author of Kli Chemda - London, Nissan 1921

Letter handwritten and signed by the famous Torah scholar R. Meir Dan Plotzky, author of Kli Chemda. London, [25th Nissan 1921].
Sent to R. Tzvi Hirsch Ferber, rabbi in London, requesting a meeting: "I hereby request that you find time to come visit me tomorrow morning, since I have to speak to you about urgent matters… I leave the matter to your decision. Your faithful friend, Meir Dan Refael son of R. C.Y. [R. Chaim Yitzchak]".
The renowned R. Meir Dan Plotzky (1866-1928), a prominent Polish rabbi in the early 20th century. One of the founders of Agudat Yisrael in Poland and member of the Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah. He was one of the most brilliant Torah scholars in Poland. Disciple of R. Chaim Elazar Wachs, author of Nefesh Chaya, and of R. Yehoshua of Kutna, author of Yeshuot Malko. He was a primary disciple of the rebbe of Sochatchov, author of Avnei Nezer, and in the preface to his book Chemdat Yisrael (Piotrków 1903), he writes about his teacher: "He showed me the way to study the holy Torah and there I began to taste the pleasant sweetness of the Torah". In his approbation to Chemdat Yisrael, the Avnei Nezer writes that the author "toils in Torah and that is the most important of all". R. Chaim Soloveitchik wrote in his approbations: "He is extremely great in Torah, with astuteness, erudition and reasoning"; "He is great both in Torah and fear of G-d". R. Plotzky was a Gerrer Chassid and his entire life clung to the Sfat Emet and the Imrei Emet. His popular book Kli Chemda on the Torah was highly cherished by Polish Torah scholars. In 1891, he was appointed rabbi of Dvart (Warta), and in 1918, rabbi of Ostrov (Ostrów Mazowiecka). He participated in the famous delegation of leading rabbis who travelled to the United States in 1924, together with the Dvar Avraham, Rabbi of Kovne, with R. Moshe Mordechai Epstein and with R. Avraham Yitzchak Kook.
Small postcard. 9X11.5 cm. Good condition.
Postmarks dated May 3, 1921. It is known that in the spring of 1921, R. Plotzky visited England and Belgium. He sailed from Antwerp to New York, arriving on June 6, 1921 (see enclosed material).