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Lot 314

Responsum Letter from Rabbi Shlomo Eger - Warsaw, 1824

Long letter (3 pages) handwritten and signed by R. Shlomo Eger, sent to his friend R. Avraham Abele Davidson Rabbi of Biała. [Warsaw], Cheshvan 1824.
Responsum regarding the laws of writing a Torah scroll. Apparently, this is the original letter that was sent. At the top of the leaf is an early inscription (in a different handwriting), which records the copying of the letter into the booklet of responsa of R. Shlomo: "In the copying of responsa, Part I, leaf 3". This letter was printed with changes in the book Responsa Rabbi Shlomo Eger (Jerusalem, 1983, Orach Chaim, Chapter 36).
R. Shlomo Eger (1786-1852), a leading Torah scholar in his times, second son of R. Akiva Eger (and brother-in-law of the Chatam Sofer), was among the most learned and wealthy Warsaw residents. After losing his fortune during the Polish "November Uprising" (supported by R. Shlomo Eger, R. Chaim Davidson and R. Berish Meisels), he was appointed as rabbi of Kalish in 1831. In 1840, he succeeded his father as rabbi of Posen. He edited and published his father’s responsa and novellae, adding a few of his own novellae to these books. He authored Gilyon Maharsha on the Talmud and on the Shulchan Aruch, Responsa Rabbi Shlomo Eger printed by Mossad HaRav Kook (Jerusalem, 1983-1985), and Sefer HaIkarim - explanations of halachic principles (Jerusalem, 1991-1996).
The recipient of the letter is R. Avraham Abele Rabbi of Biała, eldest son of R. Chaim Davidson of Warsaw, a great Torah scholar who served as rabbi of Biała from a young age. He died young, during the lifetime of his father R. Chaim Davidson (see: Bromberg, MiGedolei HaTorah VehaChassidut, XV, p. 126; Mishpachat Davidson, p. 50).
[1] double leaf (3 written pages). 19.5 cm. Thick, greenish paper. Good condition. Stains.