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Lot 307

Letter of Recommendation from Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld and Rabbi Lipman David Shuvaks - Jerusalem, 1921

Letter handwritten and signed by R. Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, from the beginning of his tenure as "Rabbi of the Ashkenazi communities in the holy city of Jerusalem". Jerusalem, Av 1921.
At the foot of the letter: 3 additional lines handwritten and signed by R. "Lipman David son of R. Y." (R. Dovche Shuvaks) - head of the Chassidic Beit Din in Jerusalem.
Recommendation to assist R. Berish Saltz of Safed: "This eminent, outstanding rabbi… very proficient in Torah… amongst the Torah scholars and rabbis of Safed… he toils in Torah and worship of G-d in poverty, strain and difficult circumstances… apart from the good deed of supporting Torah, this also constitutes visiting the sick, since this rabbi is feeble and ailing…". The dayan R. Lipman David also acclaims him: "…for his main objective is Torah and fear of G-d, and it is a great mitzva to assist him…".
R. Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (1849-1932), spiritual leader of Orthodox Jewry in Eretz Israel. An outstanding Torah scholar, a holy and wise man. He was a disciple of the Ketav Sofer in the Pressburg yeshiva, and of R. Avraham Schag Rabbi of Kobersdorf. He immigrated to Jerusalem in 1873 together with his teacher R. Avraham Schag, and was renowned as one of its leading Torah scholars. He was also reputed for his extensive engagement in public and charitable activities. When R. Yehoshua Leib Diskin (the Maharil) immigrated to Jerusalem in 1879, R. Yosef Chaim drew close to him, becoming his prime disciple and serving as dayan in his Beit Din. He was the Maharil’s close attendant in the battle against the Christian mission and the Haskalah movement, which threatened the old Yishuv in Jerusalem. For many years (following the passing of R. Shmuel Salant in 1909), R. Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld refused to take on the position of rabbi of Jerusalem, yet after the Chief Rabbinate was instated and R. Kook was appointed Chief Rabbi in 1919-1921, a separate community was established - "the Eida HaChareidit of Ashkenazi communities", and R. Yosef Chaim was appointed its first rabbi under the title of Mara D’Ara DeYisrael (Rabbi of Eretz Israel).
R. Lipman David (R. Dovche) Shuvaks (ca. 1830-1924), head of the Chassidic Beit Din in Jerusalem. He was raised in the home of Rebbe Mendel of Kotzk, and at the age of 14, married the Rebbe’s niece, who had also grown up in the Rebbe’s home. For many years, he studied together with his cousin (son-in-law of the Rebbe) R. Avraham Bornstein of Sochatchov - the Avnei Nezer, in the penetrating and profound study method they absorbed from their teacher, the Rebbe of Kotzk. At the age of 16, he was rabbinically ordained by his uncle the Rebbe of Kotzk, who even appointed him posek in Kotzk (Kock), position he held for some 25 years. In 1885, he went to serve as rabbi of Lubartów, remaining there for 13 years. In 1898, he immigrated to Eretz Israel, at the behest of his teacher, the Rebbe of Kotzk. Upon his arrival in Jerusalem, he was appointed head of the Chassidic Beit Din, serving in that capacity for over 25 years. His teachings have been published in recent years in the Chiddushei HaGrad series of books.
[1] leaf, official stationery. 27.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains. Wear and folding marks.