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Lot 198

Tikunei HaZohar - Zhitomir, 1863

Tikunei HaZohar. Zhitomir: R. Chanina Lipa and R. Yehoshua Heshel Shapira, grandsons of the rabbi of Slavita, 1863.
With an approbation by R. Aharon of Chernobyl (mechutan of R. Yehoshua Heshel), in praise of the printers and this superior edition, in which mistakes that had crept into previous editions were corrected. The approbation concludes with blessings for "lengthy and good life, and may G-d shower you with goodness, both in material and spiritual matters, with sons, life and plentiful sustenance ".
Stamps of "R. Asher Anshel Waxman of Safed" and signatures of "Shmuel Seidel son of Yehudah Halevi, grandson of Falk Sofer".
[2], 182 pages. 21 cm. Good condition. Stains. Small tear to top title page, not affecting text. Minor worming to first and final leaves. Stamps. New leather binding.