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Lot 58

Torat HaBayit HaAroch - Venice, 1607 - First Edition

Torat HaBayit HaAroch by the Rashba, laws of issur v'heter and niddah, with Mishmeret HaBayit by the Rashba and Bedek HaBayit by R. Aharon HaLevi. Venice: Zuan di Gara, [1607]. First edition.
Inscription on top of title page, in Sephardic script: "…in memory of the father and son Yisrael son of Yisrael Irira who died at a young age".
A strip of paper mounted to leaf 52 with a printed dedication: "Dedicated by the late dear and respected R. Shmuel Chai Refael Chaim Kastilali to the Talmud Torah in Firenze in the year 1795".
Several glosses (brief halachot) in Italian script.
191, [1] leaves. 29.5 cm. Light-colored paper. Fair condition. Stains. Worming, affecting text. New leather binding.
Stefansky Classics, no. 237.