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Lot 49

Arbaa Turim - Riva di Trento, 1561

Arbaa Turim, by R. Yaakov son of Asher. Riva di Trento: [Antonio Bruin], 1561.
The four sections of Arbaa Turim in one volume. Fine woodcut initial words at the beginning of each section.
Signatures on the title page and final leaf: "Eliezer Almosnino Sephardi", "Yehuda Canton", "Acquisition of my money Matityah David Shaar Aryeh, 1708, Matasia Portaleone, in exchange for 24 lira in Mantuan currency" (Matityah David Shaar Aryeh is mentioned in the book Petach Einayim by R. Ben Tzion Refael HaKohen Frizzi, part V, Livorno 1879, p. 43a: "In Mantua in my youth there was a prominent elder named Matityah Shaar Aryeh, who would be called upon whenever a woman was having a difficult labor, and he would whisper some incantation in the ear of the mother, and often, she would give birth immediately thereafter, swiftly and safely"). Censor's signatures on final leaves.
6, 9-37, 40-80; 66; 42; 104 leaves; [1] folding plate with tables of leap year cycles, detached and trimmed close to text. Lacking 2 leaves: 38-39. 30.5 cm. Thick, high-quality paper. Fair condition. Stains, wear and dampstains. Severe dampstains to first leaves. Worming affecting text to some leaves. Marginal tears to first leaves, repaired with paper. Handwritten inscriptions in several places. Stamps. New binding.