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Lot 22

Bible - Printed by Menasseh ben Israel - Amsterdam, 1638

editions of that time published by Jews, in holiness.
Two columns per page. This special format is suitable for performing the Goral HaGra, following the tradition transmitted to R. Aryeh Levine by the disciples of the Gaon of Vilna's disciples.
Old Latin inscriptions at the beginning of each of the 24 books.
112; 144, 144-166; 94, [4] leaves. Misfoliated. 15 cm. Good condition. Dampstains. Minor wear. Early leather binding, with leather repairs to spine.
Five Books of the Torah, Neviim and Ketuvim. Amsterdam: R. Menasseh ben Israel, [1638] (the title page mistakenly states "1639"). A "table of Haftarot for the year-round according to all customs" was printed at the end of the volume.
All 24 books of the Bible, with vocalization and cantillation marks. "Exceptionally accurate, with the spellings for both reading and writing, spacing between sections and exact spelling of words as required in a Torah scroll". One of the only Bible
The Hebrew and Gregorian dates on the title page do not correspond - the Hebrew chronogram indicates 1638, while the Gregorian year stated is 1639. However, the colophon at the end of the book clearly dates the completion of the book in the month of Sivan, Parashat Bamidbar, 1638.