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Lot 9

anuscript, VeYiten Lecha Prayer for Motzaei Shabbat – Segulah for Livelihood and Success – Italy, 19th Century

Manuscript, VeYiten Lecha prayer recited on Motzaei Shabbat. [Italy, ca. 19th century]. Vocalized, square Italian script.
Reciting the verses of VeYiten Lecha HaElokim and other verses on Motzaei Shabbat as a segulah for livelihood and blessing is an early custom prevalent throughout the Jewish world. Early references to this custom are found in the books of Rishonim, such as Rashi's siddur and Machzor Vitri, the Zohar and more. The Tur explains this custom (section 295): " So that their endeavors should be blessed". This reason is also quoted in the Zohar and books of Rishonim, who write that reciting these blessings at the beginning of the week draws down blessing and success for the new week. Some people recite Veyiten Lecha in public in the synagogue, while others recite it at home after Havdala. Pri Etz Chaim records that the Arizal would recite these verses "in his home, to bring down the beginning of the weekdays with mercy and blessing". The Shelah in his Shaar HaShamayim siddur describes at length the holiness of this custom, and the secrets which lie in the verses of the blessings, writing that "this custom contains a foundation of Torah secrets… and who can grasp the allusions... nevertheless I will reveal a drop of the ocean…".
Various books name the recital of VeYiten Lecha on Motzaei Shabbat as a segulah for livelihood. Several prominent Chassidic leaders (R. Yisrael of Ruzhin, R. Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, the Divrei Chaim of Sanz and R. Yechezkel of Shinova) are known to have declared that they cannot fathom how a Jew can bring down an abundance of livelihood for the week without reciting VeYiten Lecha on Motzaei Shabbat. The VaYechi Yosef, rebbe of Pupa once told one of his disciples, that reciting YeYiten Lecha with joy is a segulah for livelihood (Hemenuta DiShlomo, Jerusalem 2016, p. 275). Some leading rebbes (R. Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, rebbes of Chabad and others) were particular to recite VeYiten Lecha together with another person, so that each can be blessed by the other's blessing.
(Sources: R. Elchanan Halpern, Imrei Chen, I, Jerusalem 2013, p. 95; R. Eliyahu Yochanan Gur Aryeh, Chikrei Minhagim, I, Kfar Chabad 1999, pp. 132-134; R. Yosef Wichlder, HaMevaser Torani, Parashat Toldot 2015, p. 19; Moshe Chalamish, Hanhagot Kabbaliot BeShabbat, Jerusalem 2006, pp. 474-476).
[8] leaves (13 written pages; the other pages contain various inscriptions and simple sketches of human figures). 26.5 cm. Thick, high-quality paper. Fair condition. Stains and mold stains. Marginal worming. Original cardboard binding, damaged and worn.