Lot 5
Ornamented Parchment Manuscript – Prayers and Blessings for the Torah Reading – Eiwanowitz, 18th Century – Unique Texts, Including a Prayer Composed by the Maharal of Prague
Parchment manuscript, prayers and blessings accompanying the Torah reading. Eiwanowitz (Moravia; presently Ivanovice na Hané, Czech Republic), [first half of 18th century].
Square (scribal) script and semi-cursive Ashkenazic script (similar to Tzene-Rene typeface). Stylized bird, animal and foliate designs at the beginning of each section.
Scribe's colophon at the foot of p. [9]: "Written by the scribe Yosef son of R. Hillel Shm[uel?], sofer in Eiwanowitz". An early owner's signature inscribed at the foot of p. [4]: "Yehuda Leib son of R. Yitzchak Eizek".
The manuscript comprises prayers recited on Shabbat, following the Torah reading in the synagogue, before the Musaf prayers. The manuscript begins (pp. [1-2]) with two prayers – Yekum Purkan and the Mi Sheberach blessing for the community recited thereafter, followed by the Rosh Chodesh blessing (concise version, without the Yehi Ratzon which became accepted in later times).
A Mi Sheberach prayer (an unknown text) for those who undertake to fast on Monday and Thursday is featured on p. [3], with a special prayer for the "Exalted Emperor of Rome (Caralis)…" (presumably referring to Charles VI, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, d. 1740).
On pp. [4-6]: order of changing the name for a sick person (Metzalin Anachnu and Yehi Ratzon following the name change), Mi Sheberach for a sick person ("…He who healed Miriam the prophetess from her leprosy, and sweetened the bitter waters through Moshe, and healed the waters of Yericho through Elisha, and healed Chizkiyahu king of Yehuda from his illness, and Binyamin HaTzaddik from his illness…" – a similar text is found in Pinkas Worms, quoted by Frumkin in Seder Rav Amram Gaon, Jerusalem 1912. See enclosed material); blessing for a mother who gave birth (unknown text, similar style to the one cited by Frumkin, ibid).
On p. [7]: Prayer "by R. Leib of Prague for Mondays and Thursdays" – prayer against informers: "May it be Your will… to uproot and eradicate… the informers who cause harm to the Jewish people through their tongues, and who destroy the status of the communities, and oppress their Jewish brethren…". (This prayer is mentioned in the Moravia book of regulations, where it is attributed to the Maharal of Prague. It was preserved, with some textual variation, in the synagogue registry of the Krezmir community. The Eisenstadt community would reputedly recite it, but there it was attributed to R. Meir Eisenstadt, author of Panim Me'irot. See enclosed material).
On p. [8]: Prayers for Mondays and Thursdays, and the Achenu Kol Beit Yisrael prayer. P. [9]: Av HaRachamim prayer for those who perished in sanctification of G-d's name. Addition on the final page [10]: Text of Eruv Tavshilin, presumably from a different writer (with a decorated initial word).
5 parchment leaves (10 written pages). 27 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear, several tears. New binding.
A letter from Prof. Gershom Scholem (in English) is enclosed, regarding the prayer against informers found in this manuscript.