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Collection of Printed Items – The Southern Command during the War of Independence – July-November 1948 – "Combat leaves" of the Givati Brigade, "Battle Log" of the Headquarter of the Southern Front, and More

Fourteen "combat leaves" and leaflets issued by the Southern Command of the IDF and the journal of the 51st battalion of the Givati Brigade, during the War of Independence. July-November 1948.
1. "Combat leaf" issued by the headquarters of the Givati Brigade, the southern front, 15.7.1948. The leaf reports on the battles over the Ibdis outpost between Givati soldiers and Egyptian soldiers – the conquest of ridge 105, the number of fallen soldiers, the weapons taken from the enemy, and more.
2-10. Nine "combat leaves" issued by the combat headquarters of the Givati Brigade, October 15-21, 1948 (two duplicate copies). The leaves contain ongoing updates about the various fronts in the Negev during the War of Independence.
11. "Weekly Review, broadcasted on 'Kol Tzvah Hahaganah' (16.10.48)", leaflet no. 23 issued by the Culture Department dealing with the attacks of the Egyptian Army on the Negev settlements.
12-14. Three "Battle Log" leaflets issued by the headquarters of the southern front, October-November 1948 (leaflets nos. 5, 12 and 13). The leaflets contain reports about the retaking of the Negev Road and the conquest of the Iraq-Suwaydan police fort and the villages in its surroundings.
15. "Journal of the Battalion", the journal of the 51st battalion of the Givati Brigade, issue no. 8, November 29, 1948. The issue contains articles about the battles over the military posts, the hills and the villages of the Negev during Operation Yo'av; passages from the battle journal of Ya'akov Arnon, a fighter of the battalion who was killed in October 1948 during the attack on hill 113 (which today is named after him); and more.
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