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Lot 333

Signature of Rabbi Betzalel Ronsburg - On Title Page of Responsa of the Ran, Metz, 1776

Title page of Responsa of the Ran. Metz, [1776].
At the top of the title page, a signed ownership inscription: "I purchased it in exchange for… Betzalel R.B." - the signature of R. Betzalel Ronsburg.
R. Betzalel Ronsburg (R.B.; 1762-1820), a leading rabbi of his generation and a Torah scholar of Prague. He was the close disciple of the Noda BiYehuda. In his preface to his book Horah Gaver, R. Betzalel mentions his teacher: "Every single Shabbat… I did not desist from hearing Torah from him" and in his responsa, he terms him "the greatest of the Acharonim". His books include: Horah Gaver on Tractate Horayot (the only book which was published in his lifetime). Many of his compositions and novellae were lost of the years, and in recent time, his composition Chochmat Betzalel - Pitchei Niddah, and his book of responsa were published. His glosses on the Talmud were printed in the Prague edition of the Talmud, and later in the Vilna edition, under the title Hagahot R. B. Ronsburg. His commentary to the Rosh - Sedeh Tzofim, is also printed in the Talmud editions.
[1] leaf. 20.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Worming to right margin.