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Lot 309

Letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe - Educational Guidance, Blessings for Satisfaction, and Wishes for Daughter's Wedding - 1958

Letter of blessings for satisfaction, and wishes for the daughter's wedding, signed by Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Addressed to R. Chaim Shalom Segal of Jerusalem. Brooklyn NY, Tammuz 1958.
Typewritten on the Rebbe's official stationery, with his handwritten signature. Additions and corrections in the Rebbe's handwriting.
The beginning of the letter pertains to educational matters, regarding a boy who behaved improperly. The Rebbe reassures that the occurrence would not impact this boy's future, since he would still mature, and become wiser over the years. The Rebbe blesses R. Chaim Shalom: "And may he grow in wisdom… may his wisdom endure through his fear of G-d which precedes it, to the great satisfaction of his parents…".
Further in the letter, the Rebbe congratulates R. Segal for his daughter's betrothal: "May it take place at an auspicious time, and may they build a faithful home in Israel, based on foundations of Torah and mitzvot". The Rebbe further blesses R. Segal that he have the merit to edify many more G-d fearing disciples, who study G-d's Torah (both the revealed and hidden realms), and fulfill the Torah commandments meticulously.
The main part of the letter was first published in Igrot Kodesh, vol. 17, pp. 231-232, with the omission of the name of the recipient and several lines containing personal information. It was reprinted, with the omission of several words at the beginning of the letter, in the booklet Sefer HaTze'etza'im - Teshura of the Segal Family (Bnei Brak 2007, p. 71).
R. Chaim Shalom Segal (1918-1983), recipient of this letter, was an outstanding Torah scholar, a leading Chabad Chassid in Jerusalem. He was closely attached to his teachers Rebbe Rayatz and the Lubavitcher Rebbe. He authored Tosefet Rashi, two parts. He established the Beit Yehuda synagogue in the Mazkeret Moshe neighborhood, Jerusalem, and served as its spiritual mentor.
Aerogram. 30 cm. Good condition. Stains. Minor tears and filing holes, not affecting text. Folding marks.