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Lot 114

Thousands of Handwritten Glosses in Two Volumes of Mishnayot Kodashim and Taharot – By Rabbi David Chaim Corinaldi – Preliminary Version of his Composition Beit David on the Mishna

Two volumes of Mishnayot, Order Taharot and part of Order Kodashim, with the commentaries of R. Ovadia of Bartenura and Tosefot Yom Tov. Amsterdam, [1685-1688].
Thousands of lengthy glosses in the margins (most are damaged and trimmed), handwritten by R. David Chaim Corinaldi, one of the renowned commentators of the Mishna. Study of the contents of these glosses discloses that this is a preliminary version of Beit David, his renowned composition on the Mishna.
R. David Chaim Corinaldi – Radak (1700-1770), an Italian Torah scholar and leading commentator of the Mishna. He authored Beit David on the Six Orders of the Mishna (printed in Amsterdam, 1738-1739). He was the son-in-law of R. Yitzchak son of R. Asher Pacifico of Venice. He served as rabbi of various Italian cities. He first lived in Rovigo, and from ca. 1747 served as rabbi of Trieste. He was a posek and grammarian, with extensive knowledge of sciences. He testified that he studied Torah amidst great suffering. Following the publication of his book Beit David, he was involved in a fierce polemic with R. David Pardo, who refutes his writings extensively in his book Shoshanim LeDavid (Venice, 1752). The rabbis of Livorno endeavored to make peace between them, and R. David Pardo subsequently included a special apology at the beginning of the second part of his book. During the course of the dispute, some accused R. David of not being the true author of Beit David, yet R. Yitzchak Lampronti, who was his close friend (and quotes R. David's responsa in Pachad Yitzchak) wrote him a letter to appease and comfort him: "Do not pay attention to all the things said by your adversaries, for this is the way of faultfinders - when they cannot find fault with the composition, they instead criticize the author, and this is the case with your excellent book Beit David… I swear that I never entertained the thought that it was written by anyone else".
R. David Corinaldi would record his novellae as glosses in the margins of his books, and from these volumes, one can deduce that his comprehensive composition on the Mishna was also first written as glosses in the margins of his books. The glosses of R. David Chaim Corinaldi on Shulchan Aruch were seen by the Chida, as he writes in Shem HaGedolim (Maarechet Sefarim, Beit David and Hagahot VeChiddushei Dinim), and he quotes them dozens of times in many of his books (such as Chaim Shaal, Shiyurei Beracha, Tov Ayin, and others).
Two volumes. The volume of Order Kodashim is lacking the beginning, and comprises only Tractates Kritot-Kinnim. Leaves 114-163 only. The volume of Order Taharot is complete: [1], 223 leaves. Approx. 21 cm. Fair-poor condition. Many stains. Extensive wear and worming, affecting text of Mishna and glosses (some leaves are repaired). Margins trimmed, severely affecting text of glosses. New half-leather bindings.