Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections

Parody on the War of Languages in the Technion / Parodical Passover Haggadot

Opening: $200
Sold for: $425
Including buyer's premium
1. Masechet Baba Technika…[by Kadish Yehuda Leib Silman]. Jerusalem: "Snunit", [ca. 1910]. Parody in a Talmudic spirit on the languages war in the Technion. According to the German Consul's request the authorities ordered confiscation of this composition but the publisher managed to sell the edition prior to this order.
2. Tel-Aviv Haggadah, for the tri-fold holiday: Passover, "Muhram" and the city's jubilee, edited by Cohen and Levy, illustrated by Aryeh Navon. Tel-Aviv: "Satira", 1934. Second edition.
3. Non-political Haggadah, affordable. Edited by Dan Anochi [Ephraim Davidson]. "Bdichuta" publishing, Tel-Aviv,[1947].
4. Had Gadya, humorous, unique, booklet, edited by S.Y. Zvieili, Tel-Aviv, [1953].
Size and condition varies.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Passover Haggadot
Passover Haggadot