Auction 14 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Torah Novella and Letters – Rabbi Yechiel Kaminsky of Ozorkow-Kalisch

Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Leafs of Torah novella and copies of Torah letters. Rabbi Yechiel Kaminsky. C. 1920-1930.
Novella in the name of his teacher and rabbi Rabbi Moshe Meir [Lanchinsky] of Ozorkow, novella in the name of his brother Zvi Aryeh of Zdunska-Vola. A letter to Rabbi Yisrael Isser [Feigenbaum] editor of Sha'are Torah etc. The writer signs Yechiel ben R' M. N. Kaminsky.
Rabbi Yechiel son of Rabbi Moshe Nachum Kaminsky, a scholar and chassid, was born in Ozorkow and lived in Kalisch where in 1928, he edited his book Torat Zvi from Zvi Nachum Frankel wherein he added his own novella [as appears on the title page of the book – see attached material]. He also publicized some of his novella in Sha'arei Torah [Part 12, 1922, Booklets 1, 4, 6].
C. 15 leaves, c. 20 cm. Poor condition, moisture and mildew damage.