Auction 57 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Souvenir Album - With Letters by Heads of Yeshivot and Photos of Yeshiva Study Halls and of Rabbinic Conventions - Israel, 1958

Opening: $500
Album with letters of blessings and appreciation and photos of the activities of the Mif'al HaTorah organization which was supported by the Joint (JDC). The album was given by the "Mifal HaTorah - on behalf of the yeshivas in the State of Israel" to Mr. Shmuel Pesman, upon his retirement from the position of Chairman of the Joint in Israel. Jerusalem, 1958.
The album is composed of letters with blessings by yeshiva heads and educational institutes, incorporated with colored calligraphic ornamentation and original photos of the activities of yeshivas and institutions: Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva, Jerusalem; * Sha'ar HaShamayim Kabbalist Yeshiva. * Bnei Akiva Yeshiva in Kfar HaRo'eh; Midrash Bnei Zion Yeshiva; Torah U'Melacha Yeshiva; Midrashiat No'am in Pardess Chana; Torat Chaim Yeshiva; Kerem B'Yavneh Yeshiva; Bnei Akiva Yeshiva in Moshav Meron; Torat Yerushalayim Yeshiva; Or Yisrael Yeshiva in Petach Tikva; Netiv Meir Yeshiva; Bnei Akiva Yeshiva in Nechalim.
* Photos of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Joint, 15th of Shevat 1955, with the attendance of the Israeli Chief Rabbis, the US ambassador, ministers of the Israeli government, rabbis and heads of Yeshivas. * Photos of the medical assistance and of the dental clinics of the Mifal HaTorah and the Joint, for yeshiva students and their families. * Photos of various ceremonies.
Album, [20] leaves, 39X27.5 cm. Approximately 50 photographs and 13 letters by heads of yeshivot. Good condition. Minor wear and tears. Original binding with special embossment: "Souvenir in honor and appreciation of Mr. Shmuel Pesman. By the Mifal HaTorah Yeshivas in the State of Israel - Tevet 1958".