Auction 14 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Shem Yosef – Salonika, 1769 – Glosses by Author

Opening: $250
Shem Yosef, Chiddushim on the Rambam, by Rabbi Yisrael Chaim Yosef Elyakim. Salonika, [1769].
Number of handwritten glosses by the author [one of the glosses begins with the words: “said the author”]. Signature in oriental handwriting upon title page of book: “Chofni” [initials].
The Ga’on Rabbi Yisrael Chaim Yosef Elyakim (Otzar HaRabbanim 12186), among the rabbis of Sofia, immigrated to Jerusalem where he passed away in 1791.
[2], 200 leaves. 30 cm. Varying condition [coarse tears on first 17 pages of book, with missing text]. Title page damaged and glued. Stains. Moth stains. Library stamp. Unoriginal binding.